Loss of Mother The day when I opened my eyes, she was there for me as both parents, I didn’t see my father but she was there who raised me alone by giving me the love of both parents, she never made me feel that I was posthumous, she was the one who understands myself, who knew the pain behind my fake smile, she was the only person who supported me and prayed for me on each step of my life, The person with whom I could share my feelings my pain and suffering, with whom I could share my happiness and humorous things as well, without any reason,  how can I sleep without serving you, I still feel your voice calling me while going to bed, I see your face when I wanted to close my eyes,  I can’t see the empty prayer mat behind me in fajar, the 1st thing was your face which I used to see in the morning while opening my eyes, your prayer was the strongest motivation for me, whenever I feel Blue,  who will take my side and say that she is my little girl, to whom I will call mummy, mamma, Ammi, Amah……… Who will be there raising her hands to pray, when I will go outside the home or will go for any type of exam, no one can take your place, the life becomes empty and dark for me, is it a test By Almighty Allah or punishment for me, as I am still alive bearing your loss, while I couldn’t even imagine living my life without you…

1 Comment

  1. Seema Memon says:

    Alas..!!!! A mother’s demise is a great loss indeed..!! We can only sympathies while you feel and bear it. But life doesn’t end here. You have to be courageous enough to live your life to her expectation, achieve your goals and made her proud.
    May her soul settle in the highest rank in Jannat and may Allah bestow you Sabr-e- Jameel. Aameen

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