Great Nations win without Fighting

True winning is the winning of the hearts and minds of people rather than conquering lands and resources. Success through the use of force is neither ideal nor permanent. Fighting wars only bring “bloodshed” and chaos. Fighting poverty, corruption, disease and malnutrition is the order of progress and prosperity. An Ancient Chinese military strategist wrote: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Characteristics of the Great Nations which wins without fighting:

• They never use weapons as sources of power to win any war, Great nations achieve their goals by resolving disputes instead of getting into wars because war is not the solution to any problem. The great nations make up policies in such a way that they do not harm to mankind. Like Building good international relations with other countries. Here I mention by Islamic point of view, Islam always prefers peace over war, it seeks harmony & peace among any society. If any Muslim society is facing conflict with any other society then they should go for peace first to solve that conflict. As stated in a verse of the Holy Quran; “If the enemy inclines towards peace, then you should also incline towards peace and trust Allah, for He is the one that hears and knows all.”(5:61) Every teaching of Islam is based on the principle of peace and harmony. By the Hadith of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon Him) “Assist your brother or sister Muslim, whether he/she be oppressed.” But how shall we do it when that person is an oppressor? Muhammad (P.B.U.H) Said, “Assisting an oppressor is by forbidding and withholding that person from operation.” Certainly, people will follow you & certainly people will come to you from all quarters of the earth to understand religion: when they will come to you, guide them towards goodness. Above Hadith mainly shows us the secret, that a great nation achieves its goals without using any weapon.

⚫ They are the organized, well-disciplined & selfless nations: well aware nations always pay concentrated attention to discipline in every field of life. The sense of discipline mirrors the mental maturity of the individual and the level of awareness of the nations, and when the nation follows this principle of discipline, becomes well-organized and successful. If we talk about Pakistan, there is one institution that follows this principle, not only implementing it but strictly acting on it. The result is that Pakistan Army is the only seemingly well-organized, relatively less corruption immune institution. As Quad-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah said; “With faith, discipline, and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve.” And we all still agree with him.

⚫ The Economics of the great Nation never suffer and those nations who go to war, have to suffer at large. As we know that Economy of any country plays a crucial role in the development of any nation, which is economically stable is called the Economic Empire and they rule over the world. If we look back to 2014, you must hear about America’s decline it was perhaps invisible that American was worried about their place in the world, after suffering through a massive crisis, a tepid recovery and a constant stream of news coming from rising china, A Nation of 1.3 Billion people and it’s true that, by any measure, America’s relative power was in decline. And it’s amazing how dominant America has become, economically speaking. Become the most powerful economic country by hitting china economically, without fighting.

⚫ Great and Nations prioritize health and Education instead of missiles: Education is the great driver of social, economical, and political progress, as people learn to read, count and reason critically. The world faces global challenges, which require global solutions, and these interconnected global challenges call for reaching changes how we think and act for the dignity of human being. Education will fully assume the central role in helping people to forge more just, peaceful to learned and give them skills to resolve interconnected challenges to become a great nation. Great nation wins the hearts of the world without bloodshed, without fighting and by destroying the peace of the nation, they win the world by educating them, by making their economy strong, by spreading peace around the world and especially they win with faith, discipline and selfless devotion to their duties.
#Thank you for your support..#ASJ

1 Comment

  1. Aqsa Awan says:

    Keep it up


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